User account information
In order to collect your items from services such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, this app might ask you to enter your service account name and password. This will happen only if you have authorized the app to collect such data.
The app will never store your account name or password neither locally nor remotely. It might store token information that enable continued access to the services you authorized. Any such tokens will be stored locally on your PC in an encrypted storage. This storage and the tokens within can only be accessed by this app and will only be used for the features you have authorized.
Any tokens will be deleted immediately when you disable a service in the app’s Settings.
Memorabilia data
This app will store your memorabilia in a folder structure under the folder that you select when setting up the app. In addition it stores meta information in a database and thumbnails in an app-specific local folder. The database and thumbnail storage are used only in order to provide for faster performance of the app. The app will not share any of your data in any way, unless you request it to do so explicitly, e.g., via the Share charm or via 1-Click Upload.
All memorabilia data is protected via the regular Windows 8 protection mechanisms.
If you want to delete any of your memorabilia you can either do so from the app directly or via other Windows 8 tools that can access the file system. Please note that the app might be negatively affected when you delete/modify your memorabilia outside the app.
Analytics data
In order to improve the app so that it best fits our users’ needs, we are collecting analytics data via Google Analytics. Such data will not allow us to identify you personally nor in any other way gain insight into your personal data or behaviour.
Location data
In order to be able to show you your geo-tagged pictures on a Map as well as to show you relevant address information, we are sending a subset of your location information to Bing Maps. Each element in such a request is a pair consisting of latitude and longitude. We do not transfer any other information to Bing Maps.
However, please note that Bing Maps might collect additional information outside of the request that bitsofMine is sending. You can find more information on the relevant pages from Microsoft:
Please contact us if you want more information.