We have learned that some of our users currently experience issues with the Facebook integration of bitsofMine. Because of these issues, at present some of you might be unable to log into Facebook, get updates from Facebook and/or share your photos and videos via Facebook. We are working hard to solve these issues as quickly as possible. Stay tuned.
In case you are interested, here is some additional background information:
On May 1st, Facebook has turned off its original Facebook API. This move has been announced many months in advance and developers had been repeatedly informed about it. Because of these announcements, we had adapted bitsofMine already in the beginning of the year and by now, bitsofMine had been using the new APIs for several months.
However, in addition to the data access changes, Facebook also changed the way it is issuing permissions regarding what data an app can access. If you want to know more about Facebook’s user permissions, you can find the current list of permissions here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions/v2.3
More specifically, bitsofMine requests the following permissions that require Facebook approval: user_photos, user_videos, user_status, publish_actions. bitsofMine requires these permissions in order to download your items into your collection and in order to share items on your behalf. Just that there is no misunderstanding: at no point does bitsofMine redirect/store your data to other locations than the ones you have specified. And at no point does bitsofMine share data on Facebook other than the one you have selected to be shared. Plus: even if Facebook grants bitsofMine these permissions, you will still be in control. You have to countersign these permissions in order to make Facebook accessible from within bitsofMine! Without your permission, bitsofMine can and will not do anything.
So far our understanding had been that these revised app permission policy only affects new apps. But as it turns out now, we were wrong: bitsofMine has to ask for reapproval of its permissions.
By now we have provided Facebook with all the information it requested. Whether and when you will be able to download/upload data with the help of bitsofMine again is a bit unknown, but we should learn more within the next five days. We will keep you posted.
Believe us, we are terribly sorry about this and we will do everything we can to make all of this work smoothly again as quickly as possible. In case you have any questions, please get in touch.